We believe excellent dental care starts with excellent communication.
Knowing what you can expect from us before you walk through the door, can really help support a positive experience for all:
Here’s what you can expect from us:
We will never judge you.
Here’s what we expect from you:
If you are running late or unable to attend your appointment, please call us and let us know as soon as you can. Please read our Cancellation Policy in helpful links at the bottom of the page.
Caring for you:
Each and every one of us is different and that’s what makes this world of ours so wonderful! We understand that this means our patients might have different concerns and require different levels of support during a visit.
We’re here to work with you, whatever your circumstances. From anxious children on their first visit to patients with dementia, our skilled team understands the importance of tailoring their approach.
If you can, let us know any concerns at the time of booking and we’ll do everything we can to make your experience a comfortable and a positive one.